Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. академика Е. А. Вагнера
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Сведения об образовательной организации
Сведения об образовательной организации
«Вуз здорового образа жизни»
Вуз здорового образа жизни
Наши достижения
Пермский медицинский журнал
Пермский медицинский журнал
Лингвистический центр «Medlinqua»
Лингвистический центр «Medlinqua»
Доступная среда
Доступная среда
Электронная образовательная среда
Электронная информационно-образовательная среда
Единое окно

Training of foreign students

For applicants for specialty programs in English (English medium)

Acceptance of applications and necessary documents in 2023 is carried out as follows:

1. personally at the admissions committee from Monday to Saturday from 10.00 to 13.00 at the address: Perm, Petropavlovskaya str., 27 – office № 21

2. submit your original documents (scan copies) through http://postupi.psma.ru;

3. submit your original documents through postal operators.

The reception of statements starts 01.09.2023

The reception of statements finishes 16.09.2023

Dates of entrance testing 16.10.2023-25.10.2023

The publication of competition lists 26.10.2023

The order of enrollment will be released 31.10.2023

The start of the academic year 01.11.2023

Submission of documents for admission to study under the educational programs of the residency in the 2023/2024 academic year via e-mail, fax is NOT PROVIDED.

When submitting documents through postal operators, we recommend you first clarify the work regulations of the postal operator (delivery time of the postal item to the addressee, the possibility of delivery on weekends, etc.), since an application should be received by the admissions committee (and not by the post office located in Perm) in deadlines strictly defined by the admission rules.

The address for submitting documents through postal operators is 614990, Perm, Petropavlovskaya str., 26 with a note for the “Admissions Committee”.

Attention! Documents sent to other addresses, as well as postal items with declared value and parcels are not received for consideration and are not accepted from post offices by the members of the admissions committee.

Acceptance of documents sent through postal operators ends on October 16, 2023, which is confirmed by the date of the postmark of the letter received at the post office (16.10.23).

The last seizure of letters from the post office is made by the admissions committee at 15.00 (local time) on October 17, 2023Letters received later than the specified time and (or) date will not be accepted for consideration.

The application for admission must be made in accordance with the standard application form posted in the information materials on this portal.

The admission committee records and places on the portal for Applicants information about applications received by mail with a note on acceptance or refusal to accept documents (indicating the reason for refusal). The surnames of applicants whose documents were accepted and admitted to participate in the competition are placed in the corresponding name lists, you can find them in the section of the portal Name lists. The list of persons who were refused to accept documents with an indication of the reason for refusal is placed in the section “Documents by mail”.

Sending missing documents is NOT POSSIBLE.

List of documents:

  • completed Application for submission of document;
  • identity document, of an applicant, indicating citizenship - Passport;
  • notarized translation of the Passport;
  • legalized Document of Education with an appendix (certificate);
  • notarized translation of the Document on Education with an appendix (certificate);
  • Certificate of recognition of a document of education on the territory of the Russian Federation (if required);
  • a completed agreement for the provision of paid educational services in 2 copies

We kindly ask you NOT to send to the admissions committee documents which are not included in the list of necessary documents (characteristics, diplomas, commendations, certificates of additional education, portfolio, etc.). Documents, that are not included in the list required for submission to the admissions committee, are NOT SUBJECT to return through postal operators.

Certification of copies of documents is not required. All copies of documents must strictly correspond to the original document in size - reducing /enlarging the document when copying is not allowedAll the submitted copies must clearly and in full view all the records, seals and signatures made on the original of your document.

The Admissions Committee reserves the right not to accept documents sent by mail if they do not meet the requirements established by the Admission Rules and/or the inability to read the text of the document.

The applicant prints out the application on one A4 sheet on both sides and fills it with a helium pen with black ink in block letters. Corrections in the application, as well as the use of corrective fluid are unacceptable.

Files to download:

An Application Form for acceptance of documents

An Application Form for revocation of documents (if you don’t want to be enrolled)

An Agreement Form for the provision of paid educational services

Technical support email address: help-priem@psma.ru.

Consultations on admission to programs in English (English medium): dvoretskaya.ma@psma.ru

A bit of history to the present day

Medical staff training at Perm State Medical University is an important indicator of how efficient the University is and as an investment in a long-term cooperation  with foreign specialists and organizations.

The Dean’s Office for foreign students (now called Department of Foreign Studies) was organized in 1992 when the University first joined a federal program focused on export of educational services. In the 1992/93 academic year, departments of general medicine and dentistry enrolled their first group of 35 foreign students from Syria, Morocco and some other countries. From 1992, the University is on the national registry of entities conducting export activities (record number ПР-II57/433).

Department of Foreign Studies coordinates University activities in training of medical specialists for future employment abroad. That includes: student recruitment, issuing of official student invitations, contract signing for educational services and all the follow-up, preparatory training, the issuing of graduation diplomas and their recognition at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation. We also take part in extracurricular activities and supervision at the dormitories to help solve any in class and out of class problems that PSMU foreign students may have.

In 1996 we offered a pre-medical program for foreign students. So far, 134 foreign students from 18 countries have successfully graduated from it. The pre-medical program includes courses in Russian as a foreign language, chemistry, physics, math, biology and some of the social sciences. A special diploma is awarded upon completing the prescribed course of study. The application deadline for the pre-medical program is September 15 of the current school year.

Another asset to the core curriculum was a launch of Department of Russian as a foreign language and Latin with terminology basics in 2006, to ensure sufficient linguistic training for foreign students during the course of their study. In 2012/13, Dr. Larisa A. Gasparian, the departmental chairperson, was instrumental in developing new educational standards for Russian as a foreign language for the first four years of medical school.

All PSMU foreign students enjoy an equal access to University library, sports hall and other facilities.

Upon graduation with a higher education diploma in medicine, foreign students have an option to pursue any of the post-graduate programs including internships and specialization (in Russian called: интернатура, аспирантура или ординатура). In 1996 the University graduated its first foreign student, Jayaraman Anand Babu from India, in general medicine. Between 1992-2014 the University trained 195 medical doctors for 30 countries in Asia, Africa, Middle East and the CIS. Currently at PSMU there are approximately 1 700 foreign students pursuing various educational programs. The students come from Algeria, Belarus, Egypt, India, Kirgizia, Morocco, Tajikistan, Tunisia and the Ukraine. The PSMU draws on an extensive experience of developing study plans for foreign students as well as recruiting faculty and staff for innovative teaching methods.

In recent years the University experiences a growth in the numbers of foreign students from a greater number of countries and a heightened interest to major in all available programs.

In order to the receive an official student invitation from PSMU, please provide the following documents:*

  • an application to issue a student invitation 
  • a financial guarantee from parents or a sponsor to cover the cost of tuition, living and miscellaneous expenses for the full duration of the program
  • 2 readable copies of the national passport, including the page with an expiration date
  • 2 readable copies of the passport translation into Russian
  • a copy of a completed secondary education diploma
  • a translation of a secondary education diploma into Russian

Documents required to enroll in a pre-medical program and a freshman year:*

  • an original of a secondary education diploma (secondary school diploma, certificate or a bachelor’s degree diploma or other);
  • a notarized translation into Russian of the secondary education diploma;
  • a recognition certificate that the national diploma is equivalent to similar level of education in Russian Federation (only if required for your country of origin);
  • a national passport;
  • a notarized translation into Russian of the passport;
  • a recent physical examination report and its translation into Russian (if necessary, you can get a report from the PSMU clinic for a fee, request at Gagarina Blvd. 49 or call +7-342-233-23-36);
  • an HIV test and its translation into Russian (if necessary, you can get an HIV test done for a fee at various locations in Perm);
  • a voluntary policy for emergency medical coverage, valid for use in Russian Federation;
  • 8 color matte passport style photos 3x4cm (for admission documents);
  • an entry visa to Russian Federation (if required for your country of citizenship).

*Be advised, that PSMU Admissions may require additional paperwork. Please, check the complete Regulations for Admissions HERE.

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Адреса и контакты

тел.: +7 (342) 217-21-20
факс: +7 (342) 217-20-21
e-mail: psmu@psma.ru

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