Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. академика Е. А. Вагнера
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Сведения об образовательной организации
Сведения об образовательной организации
«Вуз здорового образа жизни»
Вуз здорового образа жизни
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Пермский медицинский журнал
Пермский медицинский журнал
Лингвистический центр «Medlinqua»
Лингвистический центр «Medlinqua»
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About us


The history of Perm State Medical University named after E.A. Wagner, as well as the history of higher education in Ural as a whole, goes back to October 1916, when Medical Faculty of Perm University was founded. About 350 future doctors were admitted to the faculty during the first year that made 70% of all students.

A large group of specialists, mainly young, but well-known in scientific and social circles, came to Perm from such universities as Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkov, Kazan. In extremely short period of time, there were created scientific schools and trends in the sphere of electrophysiology, physiology, immunity physiology, anaphylaxis (B.F. Verigo School; B.F. Verigo – a great representative of Russian physiology, a world-known scientist); in comparative histology of connective tissue, tissue evolution, tissue structure parallelism (A.A. Zavarzin School; A.A. Zavarzin – one of the founders of evolutional histology, who later became academician, the State Prize laureate); in comparative invertebrates anatomy, comparative and evolutional parasitology and entomology, natural conditions of malaria mosquito propagation in Ural (V.N. Beklemishev – the founder of scientific school of parasitologists and medical entomologists, the author of the theory of malaria landscapes, who later became academician, the State Prize laureate – twice).

Reorganization of higher education all over the country in 1930 has led to separation of independent medical institutes (1931) from the universities. The heads of Perm Medical Institute, and since 1994 Perm State Academy of Medicine were: N.F. Bolshakov (1931-1934); division doctor P.P. Sumbayev (1935-1950); Professor A.F. Mamoiko (1951-1952); Professor I.I. Kositsyn (1953-1960); Associate professor T.V. Ivanovskaya (1960-1969); Academician E.A. Wagner (1970-1995); Professor V.A. Cherkasov (1995-2005).

During the Great Patriotic War, the graduates and staff of the institute proved their high professional level. For production of typhous vaccine in 1942, Professor A.V. Pshenichnov (graduate of Medical Faculty of Perm University) and Associate professor B.I. Raikher were awarded the State Prize ( January 1946). In the course of war, the staff of the institute carried out more than 300 scientific-research studies, at the same time realizing their professional duty at the hospitals of Prikamiye.

New generations of scientists, new scientific schools reflect the most important peculiar features of science of the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries, which are based on the principles of interaction between fundamental and applied sciences as well as intellectualization, humanization of higher medical education.

Scientific surgical school created by Academician of RAMS E.A. Wagner is known both in this country and abroad. The basic scientific trend includes the problem of thorax, associated and combined injuries. But the circle of scientific interests of E.A. Wagner and his followers is wider: management of pulmonary, mediastinal and esophageal diseases, abdominal surgery, vascular pathology, transplantation and replantation, urology, oncology, deontology. Many followers of Evgeny Antonovich Wagner became well-known scientists. Professor V.A. Bruns and Professor A.S. Denisov are the State Prize laureates (1997), Professor S.G. Sukhanov – Director of Perm Institute of Heart (1999), Professor M.F. Zarivchatsky, Professor P.Ya. Sandakov, Professor V.M. Subbotin – Honoured Doctors of the Russian Federation. All of them are the graduates of Perm State Medical University. Most of them are still working at the University.

Among scientists-professors and graduates of medical higher school in Perm there are those, who make the pride of native medical science including Academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Russian Academy of Sciences: A.A. Zavarzin, V.N. Chernigovsky, V.V, Parin, V.A. Chereshnev; the Academy of Science of the Ukraine – physiologist-psychiatrist V.P. Protopopov; the Academy of Science of Kazakhstan – A.P. Polosukhin; V.N. Beklemishev, E.A. Wagner, O.I. Schepin were elected the members of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

Since 2005 the University is headed by Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor I.P. Koryukina.

In April 2006 Perm State Medical University (at that time - Academy) was named after Academician, the State Prize laureate – E.A. Wagner. In 2007 the staff was awarded the “The Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation”. In October 2014 the academy received the status of the university.

There are six profile institutes successfully working on the basis of PSMU. Scientific studies of Perm researchers in medicine are constantly introduced into practical public health service of the Russian Federation and Perm Krai; they are reflected in multiple scientific works and patent inventions. Over the past 5 years, 112 patent inventions, 17 useful model patents, 161improvement suggestions were received. According to the results of the recent years, the university occupies the leading place by the number of invention applications and positive invention decisions among all 14 higher schools of Prikamiye.

Perm State Medical University is integrated with academic institutions of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and different higher schools of Russia and Perm. The result is deepening of scientific-research studies, which are widely introduced into medical practice, as well as receiving of grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RHF). Forty seven RHF grants and thirty four RFBR grants were fulfilled. Young scientists performed 16 president and government grants, 15 grants were received by young scientists and students in the competition of innovation ideas – UMNIK. Thus, 82 grants were fulfilled. It was the first time, when UNODC grant in the framework of scientific trend “problems of epidemiology of HIV-infection and viral hepatites” was received.

Perm Medical Journal is published at PSMU. Since 2003 it is included into the list of journals, recommended for publication of the basic scientific results of theses for a Doctor’s degree (Bull. VAK of RF Minobrazovaniye 2003, №3). The journal is the oldest medical edition in Russia, which is published from 1924.

The staff of teachers consists of order-bearers, Honoured Workers of Science of RF, Honoured Doctors of RF, Honoured Workers of Higher School of RF, Honoured Professors, State and Regional Prize laureates. More than 140 Doctors of Medical Sciences and more than 450 Candidates of Medical Sciences train students at 75 departments of various profile.

During the period of its existence, more than 50 000 doctors graduated from PSMU.

PSMU is a member of The Association of Medical Schools in Europe. Since 1992 the university has been listed in the State Register of Participants of Foreign Economic Relations; foreign students are trained by the programs of pre-training, prediploma and postgraduate education (at present – students from 21 countries of the Near East, Africa, Asia, Commonwealth of Independent States).

Material and technical basis is being constantly improved. Five buildings for training students have been reconstructed and modernly furnished; lecture halls are equipped with multimedia complexes. There are 12 computer rooms, electronic medical library.

Two polyclinics are renovated, reequipped and functioning now. Surgical hospital of dental clinic, equipped with the latest medical facilities, has been reconstructed.

Imitation center for development of practical skills is being built now.

There are nine comfortable hostels at the disposal of students. They are newly furnished and equipped with internet. Their infrastructure is being improved.

Young people are provided with conditions for creative realization and physical development. As a result – achievements in the contest “Students’ spring” of the local, regional and All-Russian levels, as well as victories in sport events.

PSMU is integrated into the regional medicine. Clinical departments, which provide educational process, are placed in most treatment-and-prophylactic institutions. Besides, professors and staff of departments carry out practical work, introducing new scientific achievements into the public health of Perm Krai.

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e-mail: psmu@psma.ru

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